Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Kroger Money Maker

Today I stopped by Kroger and bought 2 Glade Oil Warmers w/ fan $7.99 x's 2, Airwick Air Freshener Spray $0.99 x's 2 and one bar of Johnson's Buddy Soap $0.99

Total $18.95

Used BOGO free Q on Glade warmer -7.99
Used BOGO free Airwick Freshener -o.99
Used $1 off any Johnson Product Q -1.00
$1 printable Buddy Soap

Total after Coupons $8.97 AND the Glade Oil Warmers printed out 2 Catalinas (coupons) for $4 off your next purchase and one catalina for any Johnsons product for $2

So, I spent $8.97 OOP BUT they gave me back $10 to spend at their store. Made $1.03!!