Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My CVS Deal Week of 10/12

I already had $6 in ECB's from last weeks deals but will start like I had none. So, you can see a beginners run down.

Not a whole lot going on at CVS this week but these are the 2 transactions I made.

Transaction #1

Swiffer starter Kit - $7.99
Swiffer Duster Extender - $6.99
Colgate Total for $3.49
Total $18.47

Used Buy Starter Kit get Duster Kit free Coupon (she gave me credit for 7.99 not 6.99 woot!)
Used another $1/1 Swiffer Coupon
Used $1.50 Colgate coupon
Total after Q's $7.98 OOP (out of pocket)

Received $5 in ECB's for Swiffer promo & $2 in ECB for Colgate. and a $4 off $20 Q

So, I basically paid $0.98 for the 2 swiffers and the toothpaste after ECB's

Transaction #2

Bought Dove Vitalizer $9.99
Dove Shampoo $3.99
CVS Vit D $2.99
Wellpatch (3 ct) $5.99
Total $22.96

Used $3.50 Q on Vitalizer
Used $1.50 Q on Shampoo
Used $4 off $20 Q from first tranny
Totol after Q's $13.96

Paid with $7 ECB's from 1st transaction so, I paid $6.96 OOP

Got back $3 ECB for Dove promo
$5.99 ECB for Wellpatch
$2.99 ECB for Vitamins

Got back $11 in ECB's.

So, in total today I got all this stuff AND made $5 to shop!

Feel free to share your tristate savings for this week!!