Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Another October CVS deal ... FREE SOAP!!

Oops! Just looked in the October ECB book from CVS today and I actually missed 5 free bars of soap!!! CVS brand soap gives you back $1 ECB for a purchase of any of their brand of soap 1-8 bar pack (limit 5). I bought 5 individual packs, my total was $5.25 paid with $5 in ECB from yesterdays purchase and she adjusted my total to $5 and told me I didn't owe anything. SWEET! and it printed out another $5 in ECB's. So, I lost nothing and gained 5 bars of soap! It took me 3 CVS's to find individual packs! But this is a month long deal so, keep looking to see if they restock or maybe ask a CS to check in the stock room.

Transaction 2 today:

All Laundry detergent is BOGO free. I decided yesterday to forgo this deal because it was $7.49 a bottle. YIKES. But got to looking at my coupons and had a $1 off 2 bottles Q from insert, a $0.40 off any bottle but 3x and a Free & Clear printable HERE $1 Coupon. You can use 2 coupons on BOGO free items so, I decided I would get the 2 bottles and try my coupons. Wasn't sure if it would take 2 since the one coupon says $1 off 2 bottles. Anyway, walked up to the counter and she said she couldn't take my printed coupon because I didn't get the clear brand specified on the coupon so, I took one bottle back and got the clear brand. The coupon STILL would not work. So, I told her I had a different coupon for $0.40 off and she could try that one. It beeped too. She called over a CS and told him that it keeps saying I did not buy product specified but as you can see she did. So, he said here you go and she rang up ALL 3 COUPONS! I paid $5.37 for 2 bottles. Got to the van and thought that still isn't right. It should have been $1 more even with all 3 coupons. The receipt said the All clear was on sale for $6.49 and she gave me credit for $7.49 instead. WOOT!!