Sunday, January 3, 2010

Year To Date Expenditure Report

I have decided to keep track of my spending and savings. Well, I'm gonna try...LOL. I am gonna peramlink this post on the bottom left of the homepage. I will update it each time I spend my hard earned cash and break it down per store.

January 2010


Retail - $221.44

OOP - $56.74

Total Savings $164.70 (74%)



Newspapers $43


Retail $517.76

OOP $87.33

Total Savings $430.43 (83%)



Milk ($1.59 x's 2)

Average Retail $2.89 each

OOP - $3.18

Total Saved $2.60 (42%)



Retail $316.68

OOP $47.23

Total Saved $269.45 (85%)


Dollar General:

Retail $15

OOP $2.50

Total Saved $12.50 (83%)


All Stores Combined:

Total Retail: $1119.66

Total Spent $239.98

Total Saved $879.68

Total Average Savings 79%