Angie informed me this afternoon that they will be hosting wrestling tournaments at her place of business. We need to move the coupon swap to a new location or cancel.
If you still want to meet this weekend we can meet at the West End Library in Huntington. Same time OR we can try again for a later date. LMK ASAP what we would like to do. I'm game either way.
Just wanted to let everyone know that I spoke with Angie today and we are going to hold another coupon swap for this Saturday 2/20/10 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. We will be holding it at the same place as last week. 420 5th Ave.
Everyone is welcome!
For those of you who cannot join us, PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE to email me with any coupon requests. Even if you don't have a request, if you email me with your addy, I will gladly mail you an envelope of coupons we all have in abundance. I have several booklets of coke, pepperidge farm, and other coupons. I am sure some of the other girls have some peelies and such they would be willing to share as well.
Again, Coupon Swap Meet this Saturday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. I know it's a bit early for those who have 3 jobs!! (ahem) but at least we can go home and take a nap afterwards...LOL
If anyone has a conflicting schedule speak up now.