Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Looking For Moms To Test PlaySmrt Gaming Software

Thought I would share the below email. GL!

Hi Christy,

Introduce your young child to educational computer games and the internet safely!

We are looking for Moms to test Playsmrt - a great new gaming software that allows parents to create a safe, interactive online environment for children between the ages of 1 to 6 years. Activities include video-conferencing with family members, playing videos, printing images for coloring, learning languages, plus much more. Parents set the limits, kids explore!

Playsmrt is now forming an advisory board and looking for Moms of children between the ages of 1 to 6 years. If you are interested in joining this panel, please click here to fill out this short survey.

If chosen as an Advisory Panel member, Playsmrt will provide you with a free netbook computer, for your children to use with the Playsmrt product. At the end of the trial period, you keep the netbook computer as a reward for your efforts and assistance!

The product is still in early testing and your feedback will be used to make appropriate improvements. This Advisory Board will be active for 6 months, during which you will be asked to complete a few short surveys per month. You may be asked to join a few short conference calls to provide more details to Playsmrt concerning the products.

All information obtained through this survey will be kept completely confidential and shared only with Playsmrt in order to determine advisory panel members. Mom Central promises to never share or distribute your personal information with any outside parties.

Please click here to take our survey. As always, thanks so much for your time and attention!

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