Well, I got another email from the wonderful State of Ohio telling me they allowed yet another offender to walk our streets and move within a mile from my residence. Why is this happening? Why are people like this allowed to move where they choose? They give up their rights when they rape and molest. A registered sex offender is not allowed to live within 1000 feet of a school. What about my children? What about the dozen or so other children living on this street?
Here (just use zip 45680) is a list of the 32 REGISTERED sex offenders in South Point, Ohio. I went to school with a couple of them and had a run in with one, which is why he is now registered and how we found out about his past. He lived next door at his sisters house, tried to play Barney bad ass with me one night and lost. How I wish he had crossed that fence!
I strongly suggest googling "sex offender list (insert state here)." Sign up for email alerts and remember to do a check of who is already in your area. They will only email you when a new registry is listed.