Thursday, November 13, 2008

Scrapping Withdrawal

I finally got my work station cleaned up! I haven't worked on any crafts for a while because I didn't feel like taking the time to reorganize my work station. I know, poor excuse for missing out on doing something you enjoy but once it gets a little messy and my son starts wanting to craft, it looks like a hurricane hovered over my work table.

I spoke with a couple of coworkers/friends about starting a scrap get together and we all agreed that we should start one and it made me long to work. So here was my project from yesterday. 1) To finish my DD's sports/band scrapbbook and 2) Start on a card for my nephews birthday.
Next, I want to start a winter scrapbook and get my materials together to start on that wonderful craft Linda showed us a couple of weeks ago! If you don't remember, you can see her post here. I think I have most of what I need, if not all and if I do not, I am pretty sure I have all the things I need to get started.