Wednesday, October 29, 2008


AlphaBuzz contacted me a few weeks ago about doing a "Mobile Diaries Study."
Here is a clipped email they sent me.

You have been selected to participate in a week long (seven days including a weekend) diary exercise starting MONDAY SEPTEMBER 29th that illustrates your unique usage of your smart phones/mobile devices. You will be required to email the moderator at least 2x each day, for seven days. Your daily correspondence will be responding to multiple questions each day in addition to a daily "exercise" (e.g., seeking out a particular brand via their smart phone).

Your incentive will be $300, paid via check by mail, at the completion of the study. If you do not sign on every day and complete your email conversation, you will not be eligible for the honorarium.

Well, ofcourse I participated! I was required to do 3 emails a day for 7 days (she gave us friday evening off) about my cell phone usage and they worked with my schedule. Yesterday I received the check in my mailbox! YAY!! I wish I had thought to take a pic of it for you but I was so excited I took it straight to the bank! I received another email from them today to join a study for parents with children who have been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD or adults ages 21-45 who have been diagnosed. If you are selected for phase I you will receive $40 and if they keep you for phase II you will be compensated $500. This study does not pertain to me but if it does pertain to you, you can can fill out the questionnaire by copying & pasting the link below.

If this particular study is not for you and you would like to be contacted for future studies you can join the AlphaBuzzGroup here.