Saturday, March 20, 2010

Pssst... MyGetTogether

During the week of March 22nd, Pssst... is launching MyGetTogether, a fun way to try products and sometimes new recipes in the company of good friends, giving you a real inside look at the products, providing coupons, unique giveaways or other offers. Be sure to sign up now so that you can apply to host a get together!

In addition, as a member of the network you will get a chance to try new products, provide insight and feedback to the brands, take part in cool surveys and get exclusive, behind the scenes content. From time to time you will receive samples and coupons to give out to friends and family members you think would enjoy them.

I have been a member of Pssst... for quite some time now and they have sent me a few sample products, coupons to share with friends and even some coupons for free General Mills products.

Not amember of Pssst... already? Go here to join in the fun!

Thanks MyBlogSpark!