Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Kroger Coupons

So, how many times have you ever shopped at Walmart and they rewarded your loyalty with personalized coupons? Never? Me either.

Heres what I got in the mail today in 2 seperate brochures.

1st one was just one coupon for $5 off a Gillette Mach 3 Razor and my second packet actually had some coupons that are good for the Madness sale next week! I got $1/1 off Kraft block cheese, $1/1 Kraft Shredded Cheese, $1/2 Philly Cream Cheese, $1/2 Oscar Mayer Deli Meat, $1/2 kraft Singles and $1/1 Kraft mayo.

Did you get any Kroger coupons in the mail recently and what did you get?

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