Monday, March 1, 2010

Coupon Swap Meet Saturday 3/06/10

I am scheduling another Coupon Swap for Saturday, March 6th at 10 a.m.

I believe Angie is out of town this week, on a cruise !!!! We will be meeting at Empire Books.

I have to bring the little one because his daddy will be out of town this weekend, spending some quality time with the boys shooting each other with colored pellets and running around hollering Indian war chants. Each one coming home with his own heroic story about how he alone didn't save the damsel in distress but something much more important. He captured the enemy flag!!! Good job honey!!! But please no whining about all your welts and bruises! Remember, it's a game, therefore I have no sympathy! LOL

LMK if the time and place is suitable for all interested and for those who can't make it, be sure to email me with your address, as I have alot of coupons to share and will gladly mail them out!

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