I am so jealous! Look at all those coupons! I wish I had been there, we could have finished decoupaging the rink!
I am glad it was successful and look forward to meeting next week, being part of the action and getting on a regular schedule!
Can we schedule the next meet for Saturday or Sunday. I forgot that Sunday I have my nephews Bday party at 4 p.m. in Russell. I can do 1 p.m. on Sunday but have to leave by 3 p.m. Anytime Saturday is fine.You ladies decide what works best for you. I can work around anything, Marv is off next weekend.
Angie can you host again? Looks like an ideal location!
I want to thank everyone for having me there in spirit and keeping Evan in your thoughts.
Heres a little TMI:
Last night Evan woke up and was standing beside his bed. I asked him where his underwear were and he told me they were wet and went into the bathroom. Thankfully Marv was home early from work and went in the bathroom to check on him. I went to change his bedding. Before I made it into Evans room I heard Marv turn the shower on. Not a good sign. He had poop from his knees all the way up the middle of his back. It wasn't funny at the time but thankfully now I can chuckle at the sight. It smelled so bad!! It was pooled into his sheet on his bed!! OMG, I can actually start to smell it again thinking about it. I gotta quit before I gag!