Saturday, October 10, 2009

Walgreens 10/10/09

I stopped by Wags & Kroger today on my way to a friends house. The pepcids were on clearance for $2.50 each. I bought 4 and used (2) $4/2, making them $0.50 each. The Nature Valley Bars and Trail Mix bars were clearanced at $0.50 each. I used (5) $0.40 off any box and (2) $0.70/2, making them $0.10 to $0.15 each. I also used several RRs and paid $2.20.
Kroger (1st street Huntington) has a bunch of Alavert on clearance for $2.09. I used a $1 from insert but there is a $1 printable here also. I also bought 4 boxes of Ore-Ida microwaveable fast fries. $0.99 each and used (2) $1.50/2 OreIda fries or tots from insert. $0.25 each
While I was at Kroger a lady walked up to me and said' "Just the lady I was looking for" and handed me a ziploc full of coupons! Thank you! They will be put to good use.
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