Sunday, October 26, 2008

CVS Deals Week of 10/26/08

~ECB Deals~

Nova Max Glucose Monitor at $9.99, GET $9.99 ECBs (limit 1)
Free after ECB's.

Soy Joy Bars at 4/$4, GET $4 ECBs (limit 1). Buy 5 and use this $3 off 5 here.
Make $2 profit after ECB's.

Bic Comfort3 Advance Razors (4-ct.) at $5.99, GET $4 ECBs (limit 4)
We didn't have any local inserts for these nor are there any printables
Total $1.99 after ECB's.

Crest Spinbrush Pro or Refills (2-ct.) at $5.99, GET $2 ECBs (limit 1). Use $2 off printable for
Spinbrush here.
Total $1.99 after ECB's.

L'Oreal Beauty Tubes Mascara at $10.99, GET $2 ECB's (limit 2)
Total $8.99 after ECB's.

L'Oreal Natural Match hair color at $9.99, GET $2 ECB's (limit 3)
Total $7.99 after ECB's.

Buy $10 worth of CVS Moisutrizer, GET $3 ECB's (limit 5)

Buy $20 worth of these Pepsi Co products, GET $5 ECB's (limit 1)

Quaker Oatmeal 2/$5 ... $1 printable per box here.
Quaker Granola bars 2/$5

Sobe, Propel, Gatorade at 5/$5

Lipton Iced Tea (12-pk.) at $6

Aquafina Water (12-pk.) at 2/$6

Tropicana at 2/$6

Doritos at 2/$6

Buy $10 worth of these Maybelline products, GET $5 ECB's (limit 3)

Colossal Volume Express Mascara at $5.99

Mineral Power Natural Lip Color at $5.99

Instant Age Rewind Cream Foundation at $5.99

BUY $10 Personal Care Products, GET $4 ECBs (limit 1)

Lady Speed Stick Clinical Proof at $7.99

Irish Spring Soap (3-pk.) at $2.49

Speed Stick 24/7 at $3.99

Irish Spring or Softsoap Body Wash at $4.99

Softsoap Refill at $5.99

Colgate Assorted Products 2/$4.98 (there are alot of recent colgate inserts)

Printables for Softsoap & Colgate here.

BUY $20 Assorted Playskool Products, GET $5 ECBs (limit 5)

Playskool Mega Pack Diapers at $10.99. Printable $2 Q here.

Playskool Cottony Cloths at $3.99. Printable $1 Q here.

20% off Playskool Bottles, Cups, Spoons, Bowl, Pacifiers, Nipples, Teething Keys, or Bottle Brush.

BUY $20 Pharmacy Assorted Products, GET $10 ECBs (limit 1)
Super long list but you should have alot of insert coupons for most of these.

Misc. Deals

Arm and Hammer (32-load) at $5.99 BOGO free. Use 2 $1 off coupons here. (skip intro & click the pop up box to register for Q's)

Palmolive 11oz dish liquid at 1.39 BOGO free. Use $0.35 Q from insert.

Almay Eye liner, shadow or mascara BOGO free. Use 2 $2 off coupons from Kmart Beauty Book.

Bayer Breeze 2 Blood Glucose Monitoring System at $30. Use $30 coupon from this weeks insert and mail in the MIR on the box for $30.
Make $30 profit!