Thursday, April 1, 2010

Alphabuzz Web Conference $125

Hello. My name is Brandy Duvernet, and I am a Research Coordinator for AlphaBuzz, Inc., a nationwide market research firm.

We are an independent market research company looking for several participants (ages 23-62) to participate in a web conference about finances. The 90 minute conference will take place on Monday, April 19th, Tuesday, April 20th, or Wednesday, April 21st from your home or office. The sessions will take place during the day.

Those people who are chosen to participate will be paid $125 for their time and input.

Please be assured that this is for research purposes only, and there will be NO SALES involved at any time as a result of your participation

If you are interested in participating, please fill out the following survey. I will contact you once I have reviewed all responses.

* I have done several studies with AlphaBuzz and love to promote them because they do pay and they pay big! I once got $300 for a cell phone study!

Good Luck!

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