Saturday, January 10, 2009

My Biggest Pet Peeve

This is what greeted me when I came home from work yesterday. This greets me on an almost daily occurance. If you are having to use toilet paper, that obviously means you are sitting on the pot anyway right? What else do you have to do while you wait to do your business?
I never say anything about it, it just seems simpler to put the new roll on while I do my waiting. I just don't understand the complexity behind putting the new roll on, especially if you can get so far as to set it above its proper resting place.
Does it seem a little petty that I am blogging about it? Maybe. Does it matter? No. This post will be buried 3 pages deep before my man checks to see what I have been up to.
I know, woe is me that everyones life could be so simple as to have an empty toilet paper roll be a major violation and become blog worthy!
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